Logan’s Monster Party (or ‘the party that almost wasn’t’)

Logan’s Monster Party

It is my year for birthday parties in horrible weather I guess.  Yesterday started out with DUMPING snow and stories of doom.  I had, of course, spent days on this party and had everything but the food finished before the morning even started.  We went out to get some last minute things and we figured the roads were ok as they were not icy at all.  Then the snow started dumping.  And when I say dumping I mean flakes the size of Texas raining down so hard you could hardly see.  I started to panic.  Should I cancel?  Am I asking everyone to risk their lives to come to my 5 year olds party?  All of this flashed through my head 50 times as we went through the Starbucks drive through.  We got back out on the roads and even though the snow had added slush, it was still just slush.  There was no ice under the snow at all.  Annoying, but not dangerous.  So I plowed ahead.  And I am SO glad I did.  The afternoon turned out perfect and the party was wonderful!  So let me share with you a few of the details.